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IScheduler Interface
The interface for a class that can schedule updates for other entities.

Namespace: Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore
Assembly: Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore (in Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore.dll) Version: (
public interface IScheduler
Public methodResume(ScheduledAction)
Resumes execution of a synchronous subscriber.
Public methodResume(ScheduledAsyncAction)
Resumes execution of an asynchronous subscriber.
Public methodSchedule(ScheduledAction, ScheduleOptions)
Schedules execution of a syncrhonous subscriber.
Public methodSchedule(ScheduledAsyncAction, ScheduleOptions)
Schedules execution of an asynchronous subscriber.
Public methodSuspend(ScheduledAction)
Suspends execution of a synchronous subscriber.
Public methodSuspend(ScheduledAsyncAction)
Suspends execution of an asynchronous subscriber.
Public methodUnschedule(ScheduledAction)
Unschedules execution of a synchronous subscriber.
Public methodUnschedule(ScheduledAsyncAction)
Unschedules execution of an asynchronous subscriber.
Public methodUpdateSchedule(ScheduledAction, ScheduleOptions)
Updates the schedule for a synchronous subscriber.
Public methodUpdateSchedule(ScheduledAsyncAction, ScheduleOptions)
Updates the schedule for an asynchronous subscriber.
See Also