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Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore Namespace
Public classDispatcherExtensions
Provides extension methods that make it easier to schedule actions on a dispatcher.
Public classEmptyEventArgs
Represents an argument for events that do not provide custom data.
Public classGpioExtensions
Provides helper methods for working with GPIO classes like GpioPin.
Public classScheduledUpdater
ScheduledUpdater is a helper class handles scheduling and unscheduling of delegates for execution by an IScheduler.
Public classScheduleOptions
Represents the options for a subscription with a scheduler.
Public classScheduler
A default implementation of the IScheduler interface.
Public interfaceIDevice
The interface for an IoT device.
Public interfaceIEventObserver
The interface for a class that observes event subscriptions.
Public interfaceIScheduledDevice
The interface for an IoT device that updates on a shedule.
Public interfaceIScheduler
The interface for a class that can schedule updates for other entities.
Public delegateScheduledAction
A delegate for a scheduled action.
Public delegateScheduledAsyncAction
A delegate for a scheduled asynchronous action.
Public enumerationRotationDirection
Defines the direction that rotation can occur on a single axis.
Public enumerationSchedulerPriority
Indicates the requested priority level that a subscriber is scheduled.