This page lists all of the prerequisites for participating in the Developer and MR Services track. Most of them can be installed in any order, but we recommend following the order listed on this page. Visual Studio and Unity each take a long time to install.
Visual Studio
- See the Visual Studio for MR page for help setting up Visual Studio for MR Development.
- See the Unity for MR page for help setting up Unity for MR Development.
- HoloLens Insider - Beta Channel (Recommended)
- 21H1 - 20348.1432 or later (Recommended)
- Developer Mode and Device Portal (Required)
- Azure Account (Required)
- Azure Credits (Required) - Microsoft employees can activate their Employee Azure Benefit
- Latest PowerShell (Recommended)
- Azure for PowerShell (Recommended)
Source Control
- GitHub account (Required)
- Git for Windows (Required)
- GitHub Desktop (Recommended)
- MR Feature Tool (Required)
MR Services Tools
- HEVC Codec - Optional on Windows 10 but helpful for low bandwidth or slower PCs.
- Azure Remote Rendering asset tool - ARRT (Required)
- Object Capture Tool (Microsoft employees only)
MR Services SDKs
The labs on each day will walk you through getting the SDK for that lab. However, it’s important to know that no matter what SDK version is listed for ASA:
Always use Azure Spatial Anchors 2.11.0 or higher
This is necessary for OpenXR and Unity 2020.3+ compatibility.