This page will help you get Unity installed properly for building applications on HoloLens. Note that the installation can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour depending on your internet connection and computer.
Versions Supported
For this event we will be using Unity 2020.3.20f1.
Due to a significant bug in Unity 2020.3.21f1 through 2020.3.23f1 these versions are NOT recommended for HoloLens development.
Unity 2019 builds are NOT recommended due to incompatibilities with OpenXR.
Install Unity Hub
If you followed the steps in Visual Studio for MR you should already have Unity Hub installed.
If not, Unity Hub can be installed from this page. But be sure to click the button that says Download Unity Hub and not the button that says choose your Unity.
Launch and Sign-In
Unity hub can be found on your start menu. It’s normally in a sub-folder called “Unity”.
As soon as Unity Hub is launched, you’ll want to sign in with a Unity account. This can be done with the user button at the top-right side of the screen.
If you don’t have a Unity account yet, create one at, then sign into Unity Hub.
Next we need to activate a license. You can do this by going to the License Management tab and clicking ACTIVATE NEW LICENSE.
Microsoft employees MUST choose Pro and enter their serial number.
If you are a Microsoft employee and do not have a Unity Pro license, see this page.
Install Unity Editor
Finally, we can install the Unity Editor. Go to the Installs tab and click ADD.
In the Add Unity Version pop-up, select the latest version that begins with 2020.3 and ends with LTS.
LTS stands for “Long-Term Support” and represents the most stable versions of Unity.
When asked to select Unity Modules, we recommend the following:
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community isn’t needed because we already installed it in Visual Studio for MR.
- Android and iOS are optional, but you can add them if you want to build for one during this event.
- Universal Windows Platform Build Support is required for HoloLens.
- Windows Build Support (IL2CPP) is required for HoloLens.
- Documentation is available online and only needs to be installed for offline access.
Click Next to install.
[!WARNING] The first time Unity is launched, you’ll likely be presented with a Windows Firewall dialog. Be sure to allow Unity Editor on Public AND Private networks, otherwise you may run into issues trying to use Azure Remote Rendering in the Unity Editor.
When installation completes, Unity should be ready for MR development!