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Day 1 - Prerequisites and First App

Welcome to Day 1 of the Dev and MR Services Track! Today we’ll make sure your PC and HoloLens are fully setup to run labs and participate in team hacks on Days 2, 3 and 4. We’ll also build and deploy your first application to HoloLens!


Follow along as we walk step-by-step through installing and configuring all Prerequisites.

First App

Now that all tools are installed and configured, we can build our first app.

  1. Start by opening the MS Learning Path HoloLens 2 Fundamentals: Develop Mixed Reality Applications.

  2. Complete all steps in the first module: Introduction to Mixed Reality Toolkit - Create a Mars Curiosity Rover hologram including the knowledge check at the end.


Congratulations, you just completed Day 1! If you’d like to continue learning, try completing other modules in the HoloLens 2 Fundamentals path. Just don’t complete the Azure Spatial Anchors module since we’ll cover that on Day 2.

See you tomorrow!