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TaskExtensions Class
Provides extension methods for creating, scheduling and working with tasks.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Microsoft.IoT.DeviceHelpers
Assembly: Microsoft.IoT.DeviceHelpers (in Microsoft.IoT.DeviceHelpers.dll) Version: (
public static class TaskExtensions

The TaskExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberFailFastOnException
Schedules a continuation that ignores any exceptions during execution.
Public methodStatic memberIgnoreExceptions
Schedules a continuation that ignores any exceptions during execution.
Public methodStatic memberUISafeWait(FuncTask)
Blocks and waits for a task to complete in a way that will not deadlock the UI thread.
Public methodStatic memberUISafeWaitT(FuncTaskT)
Blocks and waits for a task to complete in a way that will not deadlock the UI thread.
Public methodStatic memberUISafeWaitTParam(FuncTParam, Task, TParam)
Blocks and waits for a task to complete in a way that will not deadlock the UI thread.
See Also