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DisplayPixelFormat Enumeration
Specifies the pixel format of pixel data. Each enumeration value defines a channel ordering, bit depth, and data type.

Namespace: Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore.Display
Assembly: Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore (in Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore.dll) Version: (
public enum DisplayPixelFormat
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 The display pixel format is unknown.
OneBit1 Each display pixel is represented by a single bit.
Rgb4442 A 12-bit pixel format with 4 Red, 4 Green and 4 Blue bits.
Rgb5655 A 16-bit pixel format with 5 Red, 6 Green and 5 Blue bits.
Rgb6666 An 18-bit pixel format with 6 Red, 6 Green and 6 Blue bits.
See Also