Click or drag to resize
Microsoft.IoT.DeviceCore.Input Namespace
Public classRotaryEncoderRotatedEventArgs
Provides data for the Rotated event.
Public classThumbstickReading
Represents a thumbstick reading.
Public classThumbstickReadingChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the ReadingChanged event.
Public interfaceIPushButton
The interface for a basic push button.
Public interfaceIRotaryEncoder
The interface for a rotary encoder, which is a knob that can be turned indefinitely in either direction with discreet pules along each rotation. Rotary encoders also frequently include a pushbutton function.
Public interfaceISwitch
The interface for an input switch that can be toggled on and off.
Public interfaceIThumbstick
The interface for a thubmstick or joystick that can be moved on two axis and clicked.
Public interfaceIThumbstickReadingChangedEventArgs
Defines an interface for the ThumbstickReadingChangedEventArgs class.
Public enumerationButtonClickMode
Specifies when the Click event should be raised for a button.