Click or drag to resize
GraphicsDisplayPanel Events

The GraphicsDisplayPanel type exposes the following members.

Public eventDataContextChanged
Occurs when the value of the FrameworkElement.DataContext property changes.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventDoubleTapped
Occurs when an otherwise unhandled DoubleTap interaction occurs over the hit test area of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragEnter
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the target.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragLeave
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the origin.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragOver
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDragStarting (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDrop
Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event with this element as the drop target.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventDropCompleted (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventGotFocus
Occurs when a UIElement receives focus.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventHolding
Occurs when an otherwise unhandled Hold interaction occurs over the hit test area of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventIsEnabledChanged
Occurs when the IsEnabled property changes.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventKeyDown
Occurs when a keyboard key is pressed while the UIElement has focus.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventKeyUp
Occurs when a keyboard key is released while the UIElement has focus.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventLayoutUpdated
Occurs when the layout of the visual tree changes.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventLoaded
Occurs when a FrameworkElement has been constructed and added to the object tree, and is ready for interaction.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventLoading (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventLostFocus
Occurs when a UIElement loses focus.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationCompleted
Occurs when a manipulation on the UIElement is complete.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationDelta
Occurs when the input device changes position during a manipulation.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationInertiaStarting
Occurs when the input device loses contact with the UIElement object during a manipulation and inertia begins.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationStarted
Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the UIElement.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventManipulationStarting
Occurs when the manipulation processor is first created.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerCanceled
Occurs when a pointer that made contact abnormally loses contact.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerCaptureLost
Occurs when pointer capture previously held by this element moves to another element or elsewhere.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerEntered
Occurs when a pointer enters the hit test area of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerExited
Occurs when a pointer leaves the hit test area of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerMoved
Occurs when a pointer moves while the pointer remains within the hit test area of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerPressed
Occurs when the pointer device initiates a Press action within this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerReleased
Occurs when the pointer device that previously initiated a Press action is released, while within this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventPointerWheelChanged
Occurs when the delta value of a pointer wheel changes.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventRightTapped
Occurs when a right-tap input stimulus happens while the pointer is over the element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventSizeChanged
Occurs when either the ActualHeight or the ActualWidth property changes value on a FrameworkElement.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public eventTapped
Occurs when an otherwise unhandled Tap interaction occurs over the hit test area of this element.
(Inherited from UIElement.)
Public eventUnloaded
Occurs when this object is no longer connected to the main object tree.
(Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
See Also